News Article
ISO 45001 How can we Help?
How Clear Quality can Help you Gain ISO 45001:2018 Certification
Gaining your ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety certification can be very straightforward. Our consultants will work with your organisation to ensure the process is as simple and straightforward as possible. We’ll highlight any areas for improvement and, should you already have an existing health and safety system or another standard from the ISO family, we’ll be able to assist you in bridging any gaps that may exist between your systems and the requirements of the standard.
Clear Quality will ensure you are supported at every step of the process, providing you with guidance and ideas that will help you create your management system, saving you a great deal of time and money.
GAP Analysis.
Our consultants will visit you on-site and discuss the standard and what will happen throughout the implementation process. We’ll need access to your current system (should you have one) and any other documents or policies that you’re currently using for health and safety management, which we’ll then cross-reference to the standard.
Our GAP analysis will compare your organisation’s current practices and processes to that of the standard, pinpointing any areas that may fall short of the requirements. Once the analysis has been completed, you’ll know where to focus your attention so you can start to make any change; this is something that we can also help you with.
Stage 1
Clear Quality work very closely with a selection of UKAS third-party certification bodies. Prior to the stage one audit, we will ensure you’re fully ready for certification. The auditors at this stage will ensure that you’re fully ready and, more importantly, understand the requirements of the standard and that you have all the mandatory documents and processes in place; in readiness for stage 2.
During the Stage 1 audit, your Certification Body’s auditor will review your system’s documented information, evaluate your site-specific conditions, and hold discussions with personnel. They will review the scope of the management system and obtain information on your processes and operations, the equipment being used, the levels of control that have been established, and any applicable statutory or regulatory requirements. Your internal audits and management reviews will also be evaluated to ensure they are being planned and performed, and the overall level of implementation of your management system will be assessed to determine if your organisation is ready to move forward with the Stage 2 Certification Audit.
Stage 2
The stage 2 audit evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of your organisation’s management system. During this audit, your Certification Body will determine the degree of compliance with the standard’s requirements and report any non-conformances or potential non-conformances which your organisation will then have to correct before the certification can be issued. Once the Stage 2 audit is successful, your organisation’s management system will be certified.
For assistance with any part of the implementation process for ISO 45001, or the migration process from BS OHSAS 18001, please contact us for a no obligation meeting.
ISO 45001 can also contribute to helping reduce the amount of stress in a workplace, learn more here.